soon as we got into London we had to queue up for a taxi. Ever since the war the British line up for everything and there isn't any of this trying to cheat in ahead-except for selfish and ignorant Americans and this didn't include us. As soon as we got to the hotel, registered and changed clothes I took off for the Picadilly Hotel where the Seminar on Gender Identity was being held. Dick went sightseeing.

This Seminar was put on jointly by the Erickson Foundation of N.Y. and the Albany Trust of England. The latter was the organiza- tion most active in getting the Homosexual Reform Bill through Par- liament you will remember the Wolfenden Report which laid the basis for it. Attending the conference were Dr. Money of Hopkins, Dr. Green of UCLA, Dr. Wollman of N.Y. all of whom I knew. The ma- jority of those present were English of course, but Dr. Anderson who had been Christine's surgeon was there as was the Czechoslovakian surgeon who had converted a couple of female Czech athletes to males and he showed how he did it with slides etc. (A roll of flesh from the abdomen with a piece of rib embedded in it for a penis. It would be permanently stiff but would of course have a fleshy "hinge" where it joined the body).

Luncheon and a Banquet on Saturday were part of the affair and I found myself sitting with an interesting group each time and giving forth with my theories and comments which I am pleased to say proved interesting to the doctors. As a result of contacts made I was in- vited to dinner at the homes of 4 of the psychiatrists present-just as an interesting person not as "some sort of a nut" or curiosity. It was very satisfying to find myself listened to and appreciated as a person by these people.

July 27. The seminar continued all today-Sunday. At its end be- cause one of the expected speakers was ill there was about 20 minutes of spare time. I asked permission of the chairman and the sponsor, Anthony Grey to get up and say a few things. Although I had made comments as a result of other peoples papers which had been read, I had not been able to get on the program myself because I was not an M.D. or professionally involved. They were a little fearful as to how the program would be received by the British lay and professional pub- lic anyway and did not want to give any openings to be exploited by having non-professional people on the program. Anyway I got per- mission to talk and got up and did so. I pointed out that although the program was billed as a seminar on “Gender Identity," nobody had talked about it at all. All papers were concerned with transsexuals-